Milena Jesenská Fellowships 2017/2018 for journalists

Milena Jesenská Fellowships 2017/2018 for journalists

Deadline for application: February 6, 2017

The program offers European cultural journalists (incl. Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan) time off from their professional duties in order to pursue in-depth research on a topic of their choice. 

Fellows will spend 3 months at the IWM in Vienna, Austria. They will receive a stipend of EUR 2,500 per month and are provided with an office, access to e-mail and internet, administrative and research facilities as well as other services free of charge. Travel grants of up to EUR 1,900 can be paid for research trips to neighboring countries.

Further details and online application:


9 снежня 2016 года
Перадрук матэрыялаў магчымы толькі з дазволу рэдакцыі. Падрабязней...
Press Club BelarusМагчымасцiАрхiўMilena Jesenská Fellowships 2017/2018 for journalists

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